Wrong Login ๐Ÿšซ

Oops! Looks like you're logged into the incorrect Discord account on the website. Follow this guide to fix it.

Go to blox.link and click Logout.

Once you logged out, click Sign in with Discord. Now, before clicking Authorize, we will click Not you? to log into the correct account before accessing the website!

You will get redirected to the Discord's login page! Type the email and password of your correct account you wish to login! If you do not remember your e-mail or password, check this guide:

Discord email & password ๐Ÿ”

Nice! Now you will get redirected again to the authorization prompt. Make sure now you logged into the correct account by checking that your avatar and username + discrim are correct!

It did not change? You might have typed the wrong e-mail. Make sure you're using the e-mail of the account you're using right now!

That's it! You logged into the correct account on the website successfully if you followed the guide correctly! Thanks for using Bloxlink. โค๏ธ

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