How to verify ๐Ÿ”—

New to Bloxlink? Learn how to verify your Roblox account with Bloxlink.

Awesome! Thanks for choosing Bloxlink. You're new, so you need to link your Roblox account to your Discord account!

How to verify on PC ๐Ÿ’ป

Start by going to and signing in with Discord!

You will be prompted with a Discord authorization. You have to authorize Bloxlink to be able to access:

  • Your username and avatar.

  • Know what servers you're in.

Make sure you can see your correct avatar and your username followed by your discrim. You're not logged into the right account? Check this guide:

Wrong Login ๐Ÿšซ

All good? Nice! You can now click Authorize and now get into the verification process.

Click on your username and a dropdown will appear! Click Verification and you will be redirected to the Verification page.

Scroll down and select any server! You can also select Bloxlink HQ.

Enter your Roblox username in the field! (Capitalization matters). You can also check the Primary Account box, but that's optional!

Pick a verification method! We have two methods, Game Verification and Code Verification.

  • Game Verification: Join a Roblox game with your Roblox account to check that's really you!

  • Code Verification: Type a code on your description to check that's really you!

Wohoo! You have successfully verified your Roblox account with Bloxlink! Thanks for using Bloxlink. <3

Need a better visual guide? Watch this video!

How to verify on Mobile ๐Ÿ“ฑ

You can simply watch this video which explains step by step what to do!

That's all! Thanks for using Bloxlink services! โค๏ธ

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Verification ๐Ÿ”Œ

Last updated