How to unlink an account ✂️

Do you want to unlink a linked account? Switch your primary to another account? Here's a guide!

🧠 Note: You're not able to unlink your primary account by this method. If you wish to unlink your primary account, scroll down to the next section on this page.

Looking to not use Bloxlink anymore, and you wish to unlink all your accounts? Here is how! If you're looking to unlink your primary account and link a new account, scroll down to the next section on this page!

Start by visiting and going to the Account section.

Now, we will scroll down to the Privacy & Safety section!

Now click Delete Data. Make sure you've read ALL the content before confirming your deletion.

Wohoo! You have unlinked all your accounts, thanks for using Bloxlink! Keep in mind, that if you wish to verify again, you will need to wait 2 days. This shouldn't matter if you won't use Bloxlink services again!

How do I switch my primary account?

Firstly you’ll have to add your new Roblox account to Bloxlink, the account you want to use as your new primary account. Use the !verify add command for that or go to Do you need a hand? Watch this part of our verification tutorial:

🧠 Note: When you are about to link your new account, make sure to tick the “Primary Account” box when you are typing in the Roblox name. -This is an important step. This will then set the new account you are about to link, as your primary account.

Great! You have linked your new account, and it is set as your primary now. Let's unlink your old account! Head to and go to the Roblox Accounts section.

Now click the dropdown and select that old account! Make sure you are not selecting your primary account.

Now you can click Unlink Account and that's all! You have unlinked your old account and added a new one as your primary without any trouble! Thanks for using Bloxlink. ❤️

Go back to Verification Tutorials

Verification 🔌

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